Kristin Barbour publication

Kristin Barbour publication

Congratulations to graduate student Kristin Barbour who published a paper in Soil Biology & Biochemistry on microbial response to global changes, including wildfire, as a function of soil depth: “Bacterial community response to environmental change varies...
DIGME publication

DIGME publication

Our NSF-funded DIGME collaboration on microbial response to drought has published a synthesis paper led by Sarah Evans in Functional Ecology: “Microbes, memory and moisture: Predicting microbial moisture responses and their impact on carbon cycling”
Nick Scales publication

Nick Scales publication

Graduate student Nick Scales recently published a collaborative paper in Applied and Environmental Microbiology: “Differential Response of Bacterial Microdiversity to Simulated Global Change.” Nice work!
Bin Wang publication

Bin Wang publication

Former postdoc Bin Wang recently published a modeling analysis with DEMENTpy that appeared in Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution: “Climate-Driven Legacies in Simulated Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates”
Bahareh Sorouri publication

Bahareh Sorouri publication

Congratulations to Bahareh Sorouri who recently published her first dissertation chapter “Microbial extracellular enzyme activity with simulated climate change” in Elementa!