Publication alert

Publication alert

An article led by Ashish Malik is now published in the ISME Journal: “Bacterial population-level trade-offs between drought tolerance and resource acquisition traits impact decomposition”
Cover story: wood, termites, fungi

Cover story: wood, termites, fungi

Our article entitled “Wood traits explain microbial but not termite-driven decay in Australian tropical rainforest and savanna” made the cover of the Journal of Ecology! Also check out our blog post for a behind-the-scenes look at the trials and...
DIGME publication

DIGME publication

Our NSF-funded DIGME collaboration on microbial response to drought has published a synthesis paper led by Sarah Evans in Functional Ecology: “Microbes, memory and moisture: Predicting microbial moisture responses and their impact on carbon cycling”
Bahareh Sorouri publication

Bahareh Sorouri publication

Congratulations to Bahareh Sorouri who recently published her first dissertation chapter “Microbial extracellular enzyme activity with simulated climate change” in Elementa!