Publication alert

Publication alert

An article led by Ashish Malik is now published in the ISME Journal: “Bacterial population-level trade-offs between drought tolerance and resource acquisition traits impact decomposition”
Congrats Dr. Nugent Suratt

Congrats Dr. Nugent Suratt

EEB PhD student Andie Nugent Suratt defended her dissertation on “Impacts of Climate Change and Urbanization on Soil Microbial Communities” and will be starting a postdoc at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Congratulations, Andie!
Nitrogen and soil carbon

Nitrogen and soil carbon

With collaborators at UC Riverside, we published this article in Global Change Biology: “Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on soil organic carbon storage in Southern California drylands”
Charlotte Alster publication

Charlotte Alster publication

Former Treseder Lab postdoc Charlotte Alster recently published “Trait relationships of fungal decomposers in response to drought using a dual field and laboratory approach” in Ecosphere – congratulations!
Nitrogen and soil carbon

Kristin Barbour publication

Congratulations to graduate student Kristin Barbour who published a paper in Soil Biology & Biochemistry on microbial response to global changes, including wildfire, as a function of soil depth: “Bacterial community response to environmental change varies...