New publication

Check out our newest paper in Soil Biology & Biochemistry: “Testing microbial models with data from a 14C glucose tracer experiment”!
DIGME publication

DIGME publication

Our NSF-funded DIGME collaboration on microbial response to drought has published a synthesis paper led by Sarah Evans in Functional Ecology: “Microbes, memory and moisture: Predicting microbial moisture responses and their impact on carbon cycling”
Bin Wang publication

Bin Wang publication

Former postdoc Bin Wang recently published a modeling analysis with DEMENTpy that appeared in Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution: “Climate-Driven Legacies in Simulated Microbial Communities Alter Litter Decomposition Rates”
A legacy of drought

A legacy of drought

Drought imposes a legacy of inhibition on microbial decomposition – New paper in Ecosphere by former postdoc Bin Wang uses our trait-based model to show the mechanism. But, dispersal nearly eliminates the legacy!